Sunday, May 29, 2011

Treatment for Diabetes

Treatment for diabetes as related to the eye is decided depending upon the type and severity of the condition. An already damaged retina can’t be reversed. Diabetes that affects the eye can take the form of cataract or retinopathy. The treatment for diabetes of this nature is aimed at preventing the disease from getting too bad and also stopping further damage. However, laser treatment which involves the use of device that emits focused beam of light can be administered if necessary.

Also for the treatment of diabetes of this nature may require a prompt surgical treatment. Surgical treatment of diabetes that affects the eye helps to stop the development of the disease. Regular check-up of the eyes after the treatment is very necessary because there is a possibility of additional damage to the retina and loss of vision in people suffering from this kind of severe diabetes.

In the prevention of diabetes cataract or retinopathy, the only way out is to know the right steps to take to keep your diabetes under control. The first thing is to recognize the early signs of diabetes and its symptoms. The early signs and symptoms of diabetes are often confused with symptoms of other health related problems. Quite a good number of patients who are suffering from diabetes are not aware that they suffer from the disease. You must know the early signs and symptoms of diabetes which include frequent urination, increase in thirst and appetite, loss of weight, skin infections and rashes etc.

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