Monday, May 9, 2011

Beta Carotene Benefits

B-carotene is abundantly available in plants and fruits. Beta carotene benefits the human body as it converts into vitamin A. To know more about the beta carotene benefits, read on...
Beta carotene is one of the useful carotenoid substances that is responsible for the red-orange pigments in the plants. Carotene is an extremely important organic compound as it aids in the photosynthesis of plants.

Carotene is responsible for the orange color of several vegetables including carrots, oranges, cantaloupes and many more. Carotene is also available in the red-orange colored dry foliage and in the yellow color in milk fat, butter and in egg yolks. It is the most common form of the 600 known carotenoids. Human beings and animals cannot produce any of the carotenoids. Beta carotene is highly lypophilic and being highly conjugated, it is deeply colored.
Health Benefits of Beta Carotene
Beta carotene shows activities of vitamin A, which is an essential vitamin for good health. Although carotenoids like alpha carotenes, beta carotenes, cryptoxanthin and the other carotenes are important for the human body, beta carotene is the most active carotenoid and gets converted into provitamin A carotinoids or retinol. Vitamin A is a fat soluble nutrient and a normal person needs at least 800 mcg of vitamin A for healthy functioning of most of the body parts. 12 mcg of beta carotene equals to 1 mcg of vitamin A. Still, one cannot deny the beta carotene health benefits. Also called as a precursor of vitamin A, beta carotene is an important compound in many of the multivitamin supplements.
Cell Communicator
Poor communication within the cells can be a reason behind overgrowth of the cells that can eventually lead to cancer. Researchers have found out that beta carotene has shown positive abilities to stimulate cell to cell communication. Proper communication between the cells can play a vital role for the cause of cancer prevention. Beta carotene benefits the body with its anti-aging properties.
Immune Enhancing and Antioxidant
Beta carotene is a great source of antioxidants that are essential to stop activities of the free radicals of the body. These free radicals can cause cell damage and enhance the immune system as well. Beta carotene helps preventing cardiovascular diseases and aging due to its antioxidant properties and numerous other diseases that can be caused due to a weak immune system.
Vitamin A Precursor
Intake of food sources of beta carotene benefits the body from the deficiency of vitamin A. Beta carotene also provides the body with a healthy mucous membrane, hair and healthy skin. Most importantly, it helps to fight against all the eye problems, for instance, night blindness, colorblindness, formation of visual purple in the eyes, etc. Vitamin A also helps in keeping the health of the bones and teeth sound.
Reproductive Health Provider
Researchers have found ample amount of beta carotene in the corpus luteum of a pregnant woman. Levels of beta carotene are highest in the corpus luteum than any other body organ. Although, exact functions of beta carotene during pregnancy are not worked out as yet, it can be suggested that beta carotene benefits a pregnant woman and plays a vital role in curing male and female infertility as well as in aiding the human reproduction.
Other Beta Carotene Benefits
Healthy levels of beta carotene in the body can provide positive results in the treatment as well as prevention of many medical conditions that are related to the vitamin A deficiency and weak immune system. Beta carotene benefits in several medical conditions like, HIV/AIDS, muscular degeneration (age related), angina pectoris (chest pain), cataract, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, female and male infertility, chlamydial infection, osteoporosis, photo-sensitivity, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Average prescribed daily intake of beta carotene is 2 to 7 mg.
Precautions are needed to be taken here as overdose of beta carotene can cause toxicity of the same, which can result into a condition called as Carotenodermia or Carotenosis. It is a harmless condition that causes orange skin tints resultant of deposition of carotenoids in the skin epidermis. Excessive intake of beta carotene can also result in liver damage, serious birth defects (in case a pregnant woman takes an overdose) and lung cancer, especially amongst those who smoke.
Beta carotene is also available in the dietary supplements in forms of synthetic all trans beta carotene, mixed carotene (derived from palm oil) and alpha and beta carotene (derived from dunaliella algae). Food sources of beta carotene are carrots, sweet potatoes, green turnips, spinach, collard green, fresh thyme, winter squash, cilantro, broccoli, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce, etc.
Well, this was all about health benefits of beta carotene. Hope this article would help you understand the beta carotene benefits in a better way!

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