Saturday, April 14, 2012

3 Causes of Hypertension You Need To Know

Having your blood pressure checked regularly is the only way to know if you have high blood pressure which has many causes. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to high blood pressure but health experts have not identified one sole cause. In this article, we'll be examining some of the conditions that can cause high blood pressure.

Some people with adrenal or thyroid disorders develop high blood pressure, and if these conditions aren't managed it can contribute to hypertension. Hypothyroidism, where not enough thyroid hormone is produced, is a condition that is frequently associated with high blood pressure. The adrenal gland having problems can also cause hypertension. The symptoms most related to thyroid issues or adrenal issues are fatigue, sudden weight gain, and joint pain. People don't often realize they have these conditions for a large amount of time due to the fact that they can only be detected with medical tests. Prescription medication is often the only treatment.

One problem with high blood pressure is that, in many cases, there is no known cause. Essential hypertension is the name for high blood pressure with no identifiable cause, and this actually accounts for the majority of cases.

Even without knowing the exact cause of high blood pressure, however, we do know that you can lower your risks by making many changes in your lifestyle. If you want to know if you have high blood pressure, the only way is to have it checked by a medical professional. Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly what causes high blood pressure, but meanwhile you can still take actions to lower your risks of hypertension or control it once it's been diagnosed.

Sleep apnea is one cause of high blood pressure that is not as well known. This is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to breathe normally when sleeping. Snoring, which is a symptom of obstructed breathing while sleeping, is often common among sleep apnea sufferers. People with sleep apnea are often tired throughout the day because they are not getting restful sleep. Doing a sleep study at a sleep disorder center is the only way to diagnose this condition that mainly affects those that smoke and who are overweight. Finding out if you have this condition because sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

These are only a few of the causes to be aware of for hypertension. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and diagnosis before you start any type of exercise or activity you might not be healthy enough for as you'll want to start out slowly and buildup.

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