Friday, October 28, 2011

Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is not a disease, but it is actually the way your body communicates with you, to tell you about a problem with the normal functioning of the body. Home remedies for nausea help a great deal to counter this condition.

Before you use any of the home remedies for nausea, it is important to find out the reason behind the nauseous feeling. There are many causes, which induce nausea. Let's learn about the causes first.

Factors Causing Nausea

The factors which can trigger nausea are listed here...

Indigestion is one of the main reasons which induces nausea.

Stomach flu also can cause nausea.

Food Poisoning leads to nausea as well.

Pregnancy is one of the main causes of nausea in pregnant women.

Motion and sea-sickness also leads to nausea.

Medications for certain ailments also at times induce nausea.

There are some people who are not able to tolerate certain food groups, for example some people are lactose intolerant. This food intolerance also gives rise to nausea.

Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea can be easily treated with the natural remedies for nausea and at the same time the home remedies for nausea are safe.

Simplest of the nausea remedies is to put ice on the forehead. This is will help you calm down and reduce the nauseous feeling.

Ginger root is one of the oldest remedies for nausea. Eating a small piece of fresh or pickled ginger often subsides nausea. If you do not want to eat a piece of ginger, you can try drinking ginger tea.

Carbonated beverages can be consumed for nausea induced by morning sickness or stomach flu.

In a glass of water, add half teaspoon of eating soda and drink it immediately. This will help in curing nausea.

Mint is also a nausea curing natural remedy. It can soothe and calm the stomach.

Eating peppermint is one of the nausea home remedies, which can be implemented. Peppermint oil can also be used.

Lemon is also one of the home remedies for nausea. Smelling a cut lemon also works well in case of motion or sea-sickness. Lemon mixed with warm water also soothes the stomach. The other alternative to this is half a lemon squeezed in water and a pinch of salt added to this.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a nausea remedy by pregnant women. It can be combined with honey and water and had at bedtime.

Half teaspoon grounded cumin seeds will help in alleviating nausea.

Eating a banana before meals aids in alleviating pregnancy induced nausea. It is a rich source of fiber, hence helps in reducing nausea.

Natural juices like grapes, etc. can be consumed to deal with nausea.

Consuming a diet rich in fiber also helps in curing nausea.

Boil rosemary leaves in water, add honey to it and drink this mixture after three minutes of removing it from the stove.

Grind cucumbers, add sugar and water to it and drink the concoction. This concoction is one of remedies for nausea.

Crackers can be consumed by pregnant women in the morning, it's an effective home remedy for nausea.

Pregnant women can also consume glucose biscuits first thing in the morning to combat morning sickness.

When you cook rice, do not throw away the water. Instead drink the water when it is still warm. This is one of the simple home remedies for nausea. The warm rice water soothes the stomach.

Wheat germ consumed with warm milk also aids in curing nausea.

Another nausea remedy is Chamomile tea. It also aids in curing nausea.

If you are nauseated due to hangover from the previous night, you can try miso soup. It will cleanse the body of the harmful substance. You can also add ginger to the miso soup for added relief.

A bowl of raspberries eaten early in the morning also aids in curing nausea.

Acupressure is said to also aid in curing nausea. So you can also try some acupressure techniques as well. Avoid junk, oily and spicy food at all cost, since all of them are said to trigger of nausea. If the above mentioned home remedies for nausea do help in alleviating nausea, vomiting once and throwing up the unwanted things, can give you relief from nausea.

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