Thursday, January 12, 2012

3 Common Dieting Myths Revealed

3 Common Dieting Myths Revealed

There are multiple untruths and myths concerning dieting that you need to be aware of. Some myths won't hurt you but some dieting myths can really mess up your health. I hope to give you clear information about three of the most common dieting myths.

Dieting Myth 1

The biggest and most dangerous myth that people succumb to is that weight loss happens the fastest through severe calorie restriction. Severe calorie restriction is a euphemism for starvation diet.

As you can imagine starving your body is hard on it. Any sensible nutritionist knows that your body needs at least a minimal amount of food intake to function correctly.

Most people don't understand that their body has a self-preservation instinct built into it and can recognize when it is being starved. The moment your body kicks into self-preservation mode it actually slows weight loss down.

Dieting Myth 2

A second dieting myth that tips the scale towards dangerous is the one food only diet. Have you ever eaten only grapefruit or only bananas for days on end trying to lose weight? The you know what the one-food-only diet is.

These one food only diets appear and disappear the fastest from the dieting scene. One minute they are all the rage on TV talk shows and the next minute they are packing their bags.

One-food-only diets fail and are dangerous for similar reasons that starvation diets are dangerous, they don't provide your body with enough nutrition to function properly.

Another reason why one-food-only diets don't work is because of the boredom factor. How many days in a row do you think you could go if all you ate was grapefruit or all you drank was cayenne laden water? Not many. I get woozy just thinking about it.

Dieting Myth 3

Never stray from your diet for any reason is the third dieting myth I would like to debunk. Many diet creators warn that cheating on your diet is a one-way ticket to failure.

This dieting myth isn't harmful to your body like the previous two dieting myths but is hard on your confidence. Is it true? Cheat once and your diet is dead?

You'll be glad to hear that many nutrition experts recommend that you actually add cheat days to your diet schedule to help you stay on your diet!

Eating so-called forbidden foods periodically won't ruin your diet or stop your weight loss dead in it's tracks. If anything you'll have an easier time staying on your diet because you have something to look forward to once a week.


Please protect yourself with the information I've provided you and don't be taken in by the diet myths that suggest that starvation or one-food only diets are beneficial. They're not. And don't be afraid to eat your favorite non-diet food once in a while. You'll be happier for it and stay on your diet longer.

To make your safe weight loss efforts succeed, be sure to visit to discover the best methods available to help you achieve your weight loss goal and get fit.

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