Thursday, September 8, 2011

Home Remedies for Scratchy Throat

There are several effective home remedies for scratchy throat that help to treat the condition. Presented below are some of the best scratchy throat remedies. Read on...

Sore throat, scratchy throat or strep throat, is a common condition experienced usually in winter. This condition is commonly found in children, however, adults are also prone to it. Scratchy throat can be caused due to a variety of causes and conditions. It is one of the most common symptoms of common cold and flu. It should be noted that sore throat is caused due to viral infections whereas strep throat is caused due to bacterial infection. Before taking a look at home remedies for scratchy throat, let us know more on scratchy throat.

An Overview on Scratchy Throat

Scratchy throat causes include common cold, flu, allergies, infections, etc. On the other hand, singing for a long time in a loud voice or shouting for a long period of time can also lead to throat pain and scratchiness. Exposure to extreme cold climates and frequent temperature variations is another cause of sore and scratchy throat. The symptoms of sore throat and strep throat are more or less similar but strep throat is more severe than sore throat. Pain, inflammation, reddening in the throat, difficulty to eat and swallow, hoarseness of voice, etc. are the symptoms of this condition. Scratchy throat leads to a lot of discomfort and hence, you must be wondering how to cure a scratchy throat. You might get medications over-the-counter that help in treating scratchy and sore throat. However, if you are looking for healthy and natural ways for scratchy throat cure, then you can go for the following home remedies for dry scratchy throat.

Home Remedies for Scratchy Throat

The following are the best scratchy throat remedies that can be followed at home. These help in giving quick relief without any side effects:

Gargling: Gargling with salt water is one of the best home remedy for scratchy throat for children as well as adults. You can add Ѕ teaspoon or a pinch of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle 4-5 times a day.

Hot Fluids: The aim of treating scratchy throat is to give relief by having hot fluids and hot drinks. Chicken soup is one of the best swollen throat remedies. You can also go for other home made hot vegetable soups.

Hot Tea: Hot tea has been used as one of the home remedies for scratchy throat in many parts of Asia since ancient times. You can have the plain black tea or go for herbal tea. Otherwise, you can add 1-2 small slices of ginger while preparing tea (with milk) and have it once or twice a day.

Lemon and Honey: If you are looking for other easy method on how to get rid of a scratchy throat, then a combination of lemon and honey is one of the best method. Both these products contain properties that help in getting rid of infections. You can add 1-2 teaspoon of honey and a Ѕ teaspoon of lemon juice in warm water or tea and have it.

Turmeric: Turmeric powder is also widely used as a scratchy sore throat remedy. You should add a pinch of turmeric powder to a cup of hot water or milk and have it in the morning or at night.

Apart from these home remedies for scratchy throat, you also need to follow certain precautionary measures like drinking water to keep the body hydrated all day long. You need to drink plain water (7-8 glasses) in order to prevent dehydration, on the other hand, it is essential to keep the room humid and heated to get rid of the symptoms fast. Lastly, it is also advisable to have light food like soups, bread, egg, etc. and not to eat fried, baked or processed food to cure scratchy throat and cough as early as possible.

These are some of the effective and best home remedies for scratchy throat or sore throat. Lastly, you should note that if any other symptoms like high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. are observed, it is recommended that you consult the doctor immediately. Take care!

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